Herman and I: a sourdough story
Recently I was overcome by a desire to accelerate my bread baking to the next level. Ok, I say ‘my bread baking’ like I’ve been honing my doughy designs for ages, whereas if I’m honest, I’d had a go at baking one simple white loaf and a few hot crossed buns at Easter. But I’d...

The Fasting Experiment
I love eating food – savoury, sweet, you name it, I enjoy eating it. Like most women though, I often feel guilty reaching for my third cereal bar of the day (they’re made of oats so they must be good for you!) or indulging in another slice of my colleague’s birthday cake. So when I heard...

Girl Crush: The Staves
We haven’t posted about music, namely because we are not a music blog and also because we have only posted about 4 actual articles, but that is not the point. The Staves are awarded this week’s coveted position of Girl Crush and about time too. Aside from their stellar musical credentials, these girls are extremely...

We Love To Boogie
It’s true, we love to dance. We also love the fashion company of the same name We Love To Boogie Purveyors of vintage clothing and their own t-shirt ranges, we’re currently hankering after a few of their designs. Our favourite slogans have to be ‘Real Men Listen To Disco’ and ‘Your Disco Needs You’, you...

Pukka up
If I say ‘Pukka Tea is organic, ayurvedic teas’ you may well – quite understandably – ask ‘what the Dickens & Jones is ayurvedic tea?”. Well my friend, in a nutshell, Ayurveda is a 5,000 year-old holistic Hindu system of medicine that is all about balancing the body and mind through proper drinking, diet, lifestyle...

Don’t be a doormat
Lately, I have developed a bit of an obsession with door mats. There’s no real reason why. I don’t have my own house, let alone my own front door but I can’t help but collect pictures of these quirky little guys. I actually have that last one, in my bottom...

To fringe or not to fringe.
I’m having an almost daily battle with my inner monologue on deciding whether to get a fringe cut in again or not. I’m constantly seeing girls around London and on the internet that have the most amazing fringes, but I just can’t seem to bring myself to get the chop. I keep longingly looking at...