Celebrating the end of Frugal Feb
I have a lot of stuff. Ask anyone in my life and they will confirm that I have hoardes and hoardes of stuff. Some of it I need, some of it I like and some I just can’t seem to part with. What I don’t need however, is new stuff. That was my train of...

Currently coveting…Mr. Gugu & Miss Go sweaters
Not until we saw these dazzling sweatshirts did we realise just what our lives had been missing. The hypnotic, psychedelic, animal-jumper shaped hole in the Collective Individualism wardrobe can now be filled (come pay day)! WE WANT THEM ALL. But especially the tiger…. ….and the crazy cat. These are pretty...

Sri Lanka – #holidayofalifetime
There are worse ways to begin a fresh and new year than a trip to Sri Lanka. Trudging to work with the mass of Christmas come-down commuters in a grey London town, despairingly gazing at your calendar willing an end to January (already), writing Christmas thank you letters, trying to part company with the Xmas...

Patty & Bun
If you live in London you will know all about the craze for ‘Americana’ that just doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. You will have heard of the no reservation policies that lead to hour long queues on a Monday night for the ‘best burgers/ribs/steak in London’. In fact you’ve probably already...

Currently coveting: Just Kitten tee
Fashion week? What’s that? I tell you what you need, cats on a t-shirt. I don’t even think I need to add anything else. There is also a pun? You couldn’t ask for anything more. Buy (me) it from here http://www.etsy.com/listing/80827397/just-kitten-t-shirt-select-size?

The School of Stuff
What follows is a special guest post from the wonderful Jody Cooper. 2013- check list of things to do- see a bit more of the world, follow through with my idealistic-yet-never-materialise statements, such as ‘I will only eat meat from an animal who lived a happy life in a large field with his pals...

The Garage Lounge, Portsmouth
Whilst I know this is a London based blog, that doesn’t mean we don’t venture further afield from time to time. A few weeks back, my boyfriend and I headed to Portsmouth for a little day trip. Having both gone to university there, it was nice to revisit our old haunts and see how things...