Cruelty Free UK Perfumes
I’ve found the switch to cruelty-free beauty and skincare relatively easy to be honest. Took a lot of research up front but now that I know which brands to use and covet it isn’t scary at all. The only thing that I haven’t yet purchased in my cruelty-free journey is perfume.
There was a lot less detail on the internet about this and whilst I knew that Lush et all carried CF and vegan perfumes, after smelling them they really weren’t my cup of tea. But then the wonderful Cruelty Free Kitty posted a blog about CF perfume and all my prayers were answered!
She has put together an amazing, comprehensive list on all the brands you can buy if you follow a CF lifestyle. Now I’m obviously not going to post the list verbatim here (that would be weird and probably considered plagiarism) but what I am going to do is list a couple of brands that are available in the UK.
First up, one that I didn’t even know myself – Diptyque! I am so, so pleased to know this is CF, they are definitely a bit of an expensive perfume but well worth it. I’m excited to go and smell all the options, Space NK will be getting a very long visit from me in the future. Here are a couple that take my fancy online though.
Diptyque Philosykos Eau de Parfum
Penhaligon’s is another brand that I’d often heard a lot about but never tried. Again, they are quite pricey but something to treat yourself with.
And finally it’s non other than good old Marks and Spencer. I had previously tweeted them to ask if their perfume was cruelty free, which they confirmed, but I’d not gone in to have a look for myself. I happened to be in there last week, walked past the Rosie for Autograph stand and gave a couple of bottles a spritz. I walked away but double backed to check the packing and what do I see? The leaping bunny symbol! I bought it there and then!
Let me know if you have any of the above or if you have any favourites to recommend!