4 ingredient (healthy) vegan cookies
4 ingredient (healthy) vegan cookies I don’t know if I can claim complete credit for these guys, but I don’t ever remember following a recipe for them. They came about when I wanted a sweet treat but didn’t want to just reach for a chocolate bar or spend ages baking. They only have 4, yes...

No Spiralizer? No Problem!
If you haven’t heard of the Spiralizer yet, I imagine you must have been living under a cabbage patch. We have become a nation of manicured vegetable fanatics. There were 7,193 images on instagram when I searched for #courgetti today. I imagine that courgette sales since January must be at a record high. Which must be leaving the pasta makers at Napolina quivering in their beautiful...

Raw vegan afternoon tea at La Suite West
RAW afternoon tea that’s 100% vegan? Minuscule finger sandwiches, fluffy scones, moist sugary sponges teamed with velvety cream and jam. Impossible? Or so I thought! Since turning vegan 7 months ago, I had thought a traditional afternoon tea was a luxury I had parted ways with. Until my best girlfriend surprised me with a birthday...

Oeufs Epicées (spicy eggs to me and you)
It’s no secret that I love an egg, and a spicy one at that so I thought I’d share this latest HOT addition to my recipe scrap book! I cannot claim this recipe as my own, it was made for me by my friend Jim at his lovely holiday home (its the only reason I am...

How to make granola
If you frequent this site, you will know that I LOVE breakfast. Weekend breakfast is an official thing at our house. But having a delicious good breakfast on only a Saturday or a Sunday doesn’t satisfy my obsession. Unfortunately going to work, running our house and looking after a large dog alone during the week...

Pasta making with Quorn
A little while ago now, my delightful blog partner and I headed to Old Street for an evening of Italian cooking at The Underground Cookery School, thanks to the lovely folks at Quorn. We were promised an evening of education, good food and a few drinks; they definitely didn’t dissapoint. I’d never actually made pasta...

Fizz o’Clock
Remember the summer we all diced cucumber and strawberries and grew mint in our window boxes just in case we were ever to experience a Pimms emergency? This was followed swiftly by the Gin Age, in which we went to Gin Stock, scoured the supermarket to find THE TONIC, and decorated our glasses with anything...

Huevos Picantes
This lovely dish (spicy eggs) is a firm favourite Sunday breakfast in our house. I’m not sure if it’s because it has chorizo in it, or if it’s because it legitimately allows us to have guacamole before lunchtime. Maybe it’s just down to the cheese (God I love cheese). Anyway, its easy and quick-ish to...

The Pinterest Challenge: Raw Vegan Lasagne
I love Pinterest. I could easily spend hours pinning images of my dream home or planning my future wedding (it’s completely normal when you’re not engaged, I assure you). But aside from gazing longingly at the pictures, I very rarely do anything with the things that I pin. Until now. Rather than just looking at...

The San Francisco Food diaries
I was recently in the extremely fortunate position to be weekending in the fabulous city by the bay, the city that rocks, the city that never sleeps: San Francisco. San Francisco is of those cities that everyone – from friends and family to Jack Kerouac and the Beat crew (and indeed San Franciscans themselves) –...

Cocktail making with Southern Comfort
I was recently invited to a cocktail making class by the lovely chaps at Southern Comfort so, not one to turn down a great offer, I pitched up last Monday to learn something new. Held in The Arts Club, Soho, it was the perfect great venue for an intimate cocktail evening. As soon as we arrived...

Perfecting the Art of Breakfast
I haven’t always enjoyed breakfast. In fact in my late teens I actively avoided it. I mean why bother getting up for a bowl of sloppy grey cereal when I could spend at least another 15 minutes in bed? Over a decade later I’m proud to announce I finally get it. Breakfast has become a...