Posts tagged "health"
Lessons running has taught me - by my body

Lessons running has taught me – by my body

I bloody love running. For the past few years it’s been part of me and my identity – if I don’t run I don’t feel like me – it’s as simple as that. Now I’m not going to wax lyrical about ‘wow how it changed my life’ (but it did) or how it’s the best...
The vegan challenge month

The vegan challenge month

For a girl who used to quite happily down a pint of milk, regularly extol the virtues of poached eggs and consider cold frankfurters to be the best snack in the world, a month of self-enforced veganism for non-ethical reasons might seem like a baffling choice to make. However, my vegan April consisted of the...
The perks of being a juicer

The perks of being a juicer

If you’d asked me what my favourite Christmas present was about 20 years ago, I reckon my Slyvanian Families gypsy caravan would have been a strong contender. However, now I’m older and bestowed with far more sophisticated and domesticated tastes I can quite confidently state that the best Christmas present I have received since the...
Pukka up

Pukka up

If I say ‘Pukka Tea is organic, ayurvedic teas’ you may well – quite understandably – ask ‘what the Dickens & Jones is ayurvedic tea?”. Well my friend, in a nutshell, Ayurveda is a 5,000 year-old holistic Hindu system of medicine that is all about balancing the body and mind through proper drinking, diet, lifestyle...