Posts tagged "running"
Lessons running has taught me - by my body

Lessons running has taught me – by my body

I bloody love running. For the past few years it’s been part of me and my identity – if I don’t run I don’t feel like me – it’s as simple as that. Now I’m not going to wax lyrical about ‘wow how it changed my life’ (but it did) or how it’s the best...
Winter is coming: 12 reasons why I love it

Winter is coming: 12 reasons why I love it

Ok, the cold has set in, the evenings (and mornings) are dark and our gas and electric bills are about to fly off the charts from having the central heating on all.the.time…but let’s try and look on the bright side. To cheer myself up this week as the rain came drizzling down, washing the memory...
Music To Run To

Music To Run To

Some people prefer running to the metronome of their own footsteps and breathing. Others, like me, need headphones in their ears and a killer Spotify playlist to spur them on. Sure, there’s the whole debate from running purists that they wouldn’t be caught dead listening to music, and that only ‘joggers’ listen to tunes. But...